turn over a new leaf
All services and programs are inspired by the following truth
When we work towards becoming better versions of ourselves,
the whole world benefits.

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them"
Albert Einstein
About me, Dan Piquette
I have worked in a caring capacity for over 30 years. As a registered nurse, I empathetically helped thousands through their dis-ease. In my time of extending care to others, I have discovered a universal truth: despite our human fragility and imperfection, we each have it within ourselves to live with resilience, peace, and a deep sense of well-being.
Eight years ago, I met my mentor, John Bruna, who has inspired and guided me on how to utilize Mindfulness-based practices and skills that reduce suffering and foster a meaningful and purposeful life. I have been extensively trained on how to develop these skills within myself and how to effectively pass on these reliable and time-tested practices to others. Using these skills, I find myself living with inspiration and enthusiasm. This wasn’t always the case.
Though I was passionate about caring for others, I did not know how to care for myself. I had little balance and a lot of dissatisfaction. Within my stressful nursing career, I started to deteriorate mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In 2000, I had a climbing accident that led to three surgeries and the use of crutches for almost a year. My use of prescription medications turned to abuse. In consequence, I lost my 18 year career as a nurse, my marriage of 23 years, and most of my personal possessions. Newly sober in 2008, abruptly separated from everything I believed to be the source of happiness and reeling from hurt and loss, I was surprised by a new sense of peace and ease. I was forced to re-evaluate my concept of life and of how one finds happiness, purpose, and meaning.
Because of these newfound Mindfulness practices and skills, I am no longer condemned to an unsatisfied and discontented life. Regardless of where you are at on the continuum of life, I have the experience and expertise that can help you to create the very best version of yourself. I know what it feels like to suffer. I know what it feels like to believe that you are so close to that one thing you’ve been searching for most your life. And you are, you’re closer than you think. Your inspired life awaits, within.
I care about you and your well-being. I'm here to support you. I want you to succeed, however you define success. Through the Turning Leaf Foundation, I offer mindfulness courses, meditation instruction, retreat facilitation, and two specific mindfulness-based coaching/mentoring tracks.
My specialty is the Mindfulness Mentor track – Walking the path alongside you, I provide you with essential resources and help you to design and implement a personalized comprehensive Mindfulness practice. A life imbued with peace, resilience, meaning, and a deep sense of well-being is closer than you think. I invite you to discover what’s possible.
The Life-Coach track – As your thinking partner, I help you to identify obstacles that prevent you from meeting your attainable goals. Using time-tested Coaching techniques infused with Mindfulness principles, I help you to gain clarity about your aspirations and discover that you have it within yourself to succeed. Get ready to expand your potential.
Areas of Expertise:
Personal Values Clarification and Integration
Finding Fulfillment
Personal Development
Creating Purpose and Meaning
Mental and Emotional Balance
Personal Core Values:
1990 – AD Nursing
2012 – BA Environmental Studies and Environmental Biology; emphasis in Ecology
2016 – MA Applied Ethics; emphasis in Food in Culture and Social Justice
2017 – Mindful Life Program Teacher Certification
2019 – Life-Coach Certification
2019 – Mindfulness in Recovery® Facilitator Certification

Oh, and I have thing with cats!

The Turning Leaf Foundation seeks to foster environmental well-being through inner human flourishing.
The Turning Leaf Foundation envisions a world where benevolence, generosity, and good will are blindingly visible.
"Not all those who wander are lost"
Ralph Waldo Emerson